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- Room discount 3%

- Free early check in 12:00

- Office rental discount 5%

- Member Site Accessible

- Room discount 5%

- Free early check in 11:00

- Office rental discount 5%

- Member Site Accessible


- Room discount 8%

- Free early check in 10:00

- Office rental discount 5%

- Coffee bar discount 5%

- Member Site Accessible


- Room discount 10%

- Free early check in 09:00

- Office rental discount 10%

- Coffee bar discount 10%

- Member Site Accessible


  • Staying 3 nights using WALK-IN rate obtained SILVER RANK

  • Staying 5 nights using SILVER CARD obtained GOLD RANK

  • Staying 9 nights using GOLD CARD obtained DIAMOND RANK

  • Staying 15 nights using DIAMOND CARD obtained PLATINUM RANK

  • Only CARD OWNER has the right to use the MEMBER-CARD

  • FREE EARLY CHECK-IN is enabled depends on available room.

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